Crytek adds native Linux support to CryEngine


Angry toad is pleased

In detailing its plans for next week’s Game Developers Conference, Crytek has announced native Linux support for CryEngine.

The newest iteration of the engine will also include the features that made Ryse: Son of Rome‘s creation possible, plus a new Physically Based Shading render pipeline. In Crytek’s words, this means real-world physics simulation to create realistic lighting and materials. Ah, got it. I think.

Linux support is another win for gamers wanting the industry to move its focus away from Windows, sure, but there’s going to need to be plenty more where that came from before most of us make the switch en masse, if that day ever arrives.

CRYENGINE adds Linux Support as Crytek Prepare to Offer New Possibilities at GDC [Crytek]