Cyberpunk 2077 comes to Death Stranding with free PC crossover content


Future Clash

505 Games have released a new update for the PC edition of Death Stranding that sees Hideo Kojima’s strange adventure title cross over with CDPR’s equally dystopian release, Cyberpunk 2077.

Exclusive to the PC edition of Death Stranding, the free update adds a series of exclusive items to Sam Porter Bridges’ world, including a Cyberpunk 2077-themed Reverse Trike, a “Silver Hand” cybernetic arm – referencing Keanu Reeves’ characters, Johnny Silverhand, several Cyberpunk-themed holograms, and a selection of customisation and clothing options.

In addition, the update equips Sam with a new hacking ability, which allows the world-weary deliveryman to mess with the operation of Sensor Poles, MULE trucks, and Odradeks. No word has been offered as to whether this content will come to the PS4 edition of Death Stranding.