Cyberpunk 2077's multiplayer won't arrive until 2022 at the earliest


The delay shifts everything back

This morning, CD Projekt Red announced that Cyberpunk 2077was hit with a delay, pushing it back five months from April 16 to September 17. Shortly after the news, the publisher hosted a call for investors. The entirety of the half-hour meeting can be heard here.

As IGN reports, one person asked how this delay affects the multiplayer component. CD Projekt Red’sMichaÅ‚ Nowakowski answered“Given the expected release of Cyberpunk 2077 in September, and speaking of a series of events we expect to occur after that date, 2021 appears unlikely as a release date for the Cyberpunk multiplayer.”

That timeline makes sense considering the original roadmap for multiplayer. In September, CD Projekt Red confirmed multiplayer but stressed that it’d launch after Cyberpunk 2077was bolstered by several singleplayer add-ons. Multiplayer always seemed like it was expected more than a year after Cyberpunk 2077‘s initial launch; it’s not something that’s being rushed into.

With the delay, all of that has just shifted by approximately half a year. Now, multiplayer will arrive in 2022 at the earliest. CD Projekt Red has never had a problem taking its time with Cyberpunk 2077. That’s not about to change now.

Cyberpunk 2077 Multiplayer Won’t Likely Be Playable Until After 2021 [IGN]