Daemon X Machina 'Prototype Arsenal' bonus returns to PC as paid DLC



Back when Marvelous’ epic mech adventure Daemon X Machina was first ported to PC, players who picked up the game within the first month of release bagged themselves a free “Prototype Arsenal” DLC set, a bonus of sorts for early adopters.

Well, for those who missed out, this rare set has now returned to the Steam platform as paid DLC, and can be purchased for around $7. This set gives your Arsenal and pilot a distinctly basic look, with the impression that it is the first concept Arsenal ever designed, and a stripped-down pilot’s uniform to match.

Marvelous has also noted that the previously released “Metallic Equipment” set – another free bonus offered for early purchases – will remain an exclusive item and will not be sold in the future.

Daemon X Machina is available now on PC and Nintendo Switch.