Dark Souls is getting its own comic series


Nobody dies in comics though?

In the past, I’ve said that Dark Souls is my least favourite game of all time. However, it finally clicked for me last week and having now finished the first game I can say that while it certainly has its fair share of problems, I actually quite like it now.

One of my favourite things about Dark Souls is the lore. It’s quiet, understated, and is almost exclusively given to the player visually through its level and enemy design. There isn’t some guy following you telling you “Seath is a draaaaaagon!” all the time, and I like that.

That heavily visual storytelling Dark Souls uses means it’s perfect that Titan Comics will be releasing its own comic based on the game this April. The comic doesn’t directly adapt any of the games, instead opting to tell its own story.

Written by George Mann of Doctor Who comic fame, and with art by Godzilla: Awakenings’ Alan Quah, we don’t know just yet whether this will be a limited run to coincide with the release of Dark Souls III a few weeks later, or if it will enjoy a longer outing.

Talking about the comic, Mann claimed he’s already a fan of the games:

I’m ‘dead’ excited to be working on this new series (see what I did, there). Dark Souls has a rich, original universe that’s just begging to be explored in comics, and I’m honoured to have the opportunity to delve in and tell some new stories within it. I’ve been a fan of the games for some time, so it’s a real thrill to be able to contribute to the mythology of the Hollows and their world.

Dark Souls #1 will go on sale on April 6, featuring five different covers. Two will be based on official game art, two will be special variant covers by Joshua Cassara and Marco Turini, and the last will be, according to IGN, a blank sketch cover.

What parts of the Dark Souls lore do you hope the comic takes a look at? Personally, I’m hoping for a passionate, whirlwind romance between Ornstein and his loving boyfriend, Smough. True love in life, death, and undeath.

That, or someone stabbing a load of dragons.

Dark Souls comic book coming in April 2016 [IGN]

In the past, I’ve said that Dark Souls is my least favourite game of all time. However, it finally clicked for me last week and having now finished the first game I can say that while it certainly has its fair share of problems, I actually quite like it now.

One of my favourite things about Dark Souls is the lore. It’s quiet, understated, and is almost exclusively given to the player visually through its level and enemy design. There isn’t some guy following you telling you “Seath is a draaaaaagon!” all the time, and I like that.

That heavily visual storytelling Dark Souls uses means it’s perfect that Titan Comics will be releasing their own comic based on the game this April. The comic doesn’t directly adapt any of the games, instead opting to tell its own story.

Written by George Mann of Doctor Who comic fame, and with art by Godzilla: Awakenings’ Alan Quah, we don’t know just yet whether this will be a limited run to coincide with the release of Dark Souls III a few weeks later, or if it will enjoy a longer outing.

Talking about the comic, Mann claimed he’s already a fan of the games:

I’m ‘dead’ excited to be working on this new series (see what I did, there). Dark Souls has a rich, original universe that’s just begging to be explored in comics, and I’m honoured to have the opportunity to delve in and tell some new stories within it. I’ve been a fan of the games for some time, so it’s a real thrill to be able to contribute to the mythology of the Hollows and their world.

Dark Souls #1 will go on sale on April 6, featuring five different covers. Two will be based on official game art, two will be special variant covers by Joshua Cassara and Marco Turini, and the last will be, according to IGN, a blank sketch cover.

What parts of the Dark Souls lore do you hope the comic takes a look at? Personally, I’m hoping for a passionate, whirlwind romance between Ornstein and his loving boyfriend, Smough. True love in life, death, and undeath.

That, or a dude stabbing a load of dragons.

Dark Souls comic book coming in April 2016 [IGN]