David Hayter STILL salty over Metal Gear Solid


Very good dig about getting replaced

You know sometimes I see something silly online that I enjoy and while it can run the gamut from American militiamen blowing shofars in (confused) triumph to Steph Curry dropping a rude-ass deep three to gags about sooth-saying, sometimes that something silly is about video games and I always kick myself when I forget to share that thing that made me smirk or brightened my day with you, the good men and women of online whom also love top-shelf internet content (particularly about video games).

So this is my amends for letting a late Friday (last week) goof slip by unreported. I’m sorry. I love you.

No way,You can’t just replace an icon like @RealKiefer .The man defines the series. https://t.co/ByuoddxVR6

— David Hayter (@DavidBHayter) January 15, 2016


That’s former voice of Solid Snake David Hayter taking a jab at Kiefer Sutherland (or just at monied decision-makers everywhere), the man who starred in the original 24 and who replaced Hayter as the voice of Snake in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. And, hey, it’s a good dig and probably largely done in jest, but there’s also some “truth to every joke” happening here given that Hayter’s been digging for years now and living up to that surname. Look how the hell far Kojima has moved on, man. You can too.

Nah, but for real, that’s a good ass joke regardless of salt levels. We love you Hayter!
