Day five of Xbox sale lets you practically steal Payday 2


That headline works because the game’s about robbing banks

Oh, Major Nelson; you and your wacky price-slashing antics. Back for another round of “Some Good Deals and Some Really Old Games.” In case the name didn’t give it away, that’s where Xbox offers some good deals, and throws in some old games that no one’s really asking for.

The winner of today’s festivities is Payday 2which is on sale for $11.54. Other notable discounts are State of Decayfor $9.99 and The Cavefor $3.74. Also, if you haven’t playedFallout 3, you should probably pick that up for $4.94, or else Jordan will stare a hole through your soul while you sleep.

Remember: If nothing here satisfies that game-buyin’ itch, Microsoft has a plethora of titles on sale through February 25.

On sale through February 22

  • Payday 2(67% off)
  • Assassin’s Creed Revelations(50% off)
  • Condemned(75% off)
  • Mortal Kombat(75% off)
  • Fallout 3(67% off)
  • Sonic Generations(75% off)
  • State of Decay(50% off)
  • The Cave(75% off)

Xbox 360 Ultimate Games Sale Day 5 [Major Nelson]