Deadly Premonition 'Visual Companion' ebook released


They sure do know how to milk a success

Fans of Deadly Premonitionare being offered a new “Visual Companion” ebook through the iTunes store today. The supplement features more than 350 pages of material, including some of Swery65’s notes, and an assortment of interactive elements, such as a soundboard which had better have an “FK” button.

It also features three interactive maps and if any one of them is worth a damn, it will be worth the $9.99 asking price. Everybody who has tried to enjoy Deadly Premonition knows what I’m talking about here.

Who am I kidding? I was going to buy this the moment I discovered that my iPad (formerly owned by Fred Flinstone) will actually run the thing. Damn my insipid need to devour everything associated with my niche interests.