Destiny's microtransactions hit today, here's the full rundown


Silver = real money

Yes, Activision has gone and done it.

In addition to charging $60 for Destiny(more if you bought either Special Edition), $30 for the Season Pass, and $40 (again, or more) for The Taken King, you’re looking at $130 minimum if you were here since day one — and now, microtransactions are in the mix.

Depending on who you ask, Destinyis either a ripoff or a worthy purchase. I’m somewhere in the middle. It’s been an arduous process, getting this game up to the point it’s at now, but I’ve played quite a bit of itwith friends.

Anyways, here’s how the microtransactions work.

Tess Everis, an NPC that was removed from the game in August, is now back to peddle her wares — emotes. These are purely cosmetic items (yes, you can equip them, just like the Special Edition emotes) that don’t directly impact gameplay, but you still have to pay for them. To facilitate this process, a new currency called Silver has been implemented.

To buy emotes, you’ll have to pick up Silver through the PSN, then find Tess in the Tower — she’s directly to the left when you spawn in, in the same building as the postmaster. Silver is priced at $4.99 for 500 pieces, $9.99 for 1,000 (100 bonus pieces), and $19.99 for 2,000 (300 bonus pieces). Emotes range from 200 to 500 Silver each. 400 pieces are granted for free to all Guardians.

Available emotes includeThe Carlton, Victory Cheer, Tantrum, Good Job, Scared, Gimme Me A Break, Safe, Baseball Swing, Fist Pump, Blowing a Kiss, Slow Clap, Bow, Finger Cross The Neck, Evil Hand Rub, Bring It On, Crying On The Knees, and Chest Pump. It is to be expected that Bungie will add more as time goes on. Slow Clap and The Carlton are 500 Silver each (they are legendary), so you can’t buy them with the free 400 allotment.

I’m considering picking up The Carlton at some point but that’s about it.