Reader survey: What do you want to see on Destructoid in 2021 and beyond?


What types of coverage should we focus on?

Hey, everyone. While we’re always taking in feedback expressed across comments, Qtoid, and other areas of Destructoid, I frankly can’t remember the last time we conducted a full-on reader survey — and that’s not just my shoddy memory to blame. It’s definitely time.

For this particular reader survey, we’re primarily asking about coverage we’re currently doing that we could lean into more, coverage we aren’t really doing that you’d like to see show up, and some fun what-ifs. The survey will help inform our priorities going forward.

On behalf of the editorial team, and our parent company, Enthusiast Gaming, we’d love to have a moment of your day to hear your thoughts about the site. It should be quick.


If there’s something else you have in mind for Destructoid that’s not listed as one of the options above, feel free to tuck that into your written response — the same goes for any other, wider feedback you might have about the site.

Destructoid means a lot of different things to a lot of different people, and we don’t take that lightly. We’re proud to still be here 15 years later. I truly mean it.

We appreciate your continued support, and we’re curious to hear your thoughts.