Devs with Baltimore bundle includes The Yawhg, Sokobond and more


Seven dollars for some games and a good cause

The Devs with Baltimore bundle is a limited time project organized in part by developer and essayist Merritt Kopas, co-orginizer of the Devs with Ferguson bundle from late last year. The bundle includes the award winning adventure title The Yawhg, bartender simulatorORACLE & Summon the Apgrod, Chemistry Puzzle game Sokobond, and many more.

All proceeds from the bundle go to the Baltimore Algebra Project, a non-profit that focuses on providing “…one-on-one tutoring of math at the middle and high schoollevels” in the Baltimore area. In the wake of the death of Freddie Gray, the group has also chosen to take part in the Baltimore Coalition for Change, a movement working to promote Statewide reform in legislation relating to Police officer accountability, and to pursue a fair legal investigation of the officers involved in the death of Mr. Gray.

As you may have noticed, mixing politics with games often times brings out the worst in people. Hopefully this bundle will be seen for the apolitical, wholly charitable act that it is, and in doing so, it will avoid the garbage that often gets dumped on pro-social gaming initiatives.