Did you go Monster Hunting this weekend?


Or maybe you just went Super Saiyan instead?

We’ve just seen off 2018’s first big gaming weekend, with the release of two major titles that have had people frothing at the mouth for months and months. Capcom finally unleashed its epic adventure Monster Hunter: World, while Bandai Namco launched a ball of fury in the shape of Dragon Ball FighterZ.

Thus, the Destructoid community was pretty quiet Friday through Sunday, save for people jumping in the Qposts to show off their custom hunter designs. Someone must’ve bought the damn thing as Capcom have been boasting of five million sales already.

I myself was too poor for either game (yeah, you better get that violin out) so instead I tried my hand at Rainbow Six: Siege, whereupon I was filled with more lead than a pencil factory. Age has severely tempered my trigger finger.

But, how about the rest of you? Did you succumb to the first “big release” weekend of the new year? Share with us your experience so far, whether you picked up Monster Hunter: World, Dragon Ball FighterZ, both, or all three.