Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth has Gabumon and Agumon in it and I'm excited


Digimon are the champions

Am I one of the only people in the world who still cares about Digimon? I know that’s not true, but sometimes it just feels like it. With that said, I’m pretty excited for these new shots of Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth, which showcase Agumon and Gabumon, two of my favorite digital monsters. Just look how cute they are. I can’t even stand it.

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth is hitting the Vita in Japan in 2015, but if there is a digital deity, I’ll get to see it in English too. As a side note, my absolute favorite Digimon game was actually the TCG. Did you ever collect any of those? I went to see the God-awful dubbed movie that actually used Fatboy Slim’s “The Rockefeller Skank” in its opening ten minutes. Talk about inappropriate. But I got a promotional Magnamon card for seeing it at the theater, so all was right with the world.

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Screenshots Show Off Agumon, Gabumon And More [Siliconera]