Dillon of Dillon's Rolling Western appearing in Smash Bros. 4 as Assist Trophy


Keep rollin’, rollin’, rollin’, rollin’

You wanna mess with Dillon? Yeah? You can’t mess with Dillon. Why? Because he’s come to Super Smash Bros. 4 as a new Assist Trophy, and you’ll play with him every day and every night. He’s got this Smash Bros. thing right here, and he’s doin’ it all the time. And all of this was revealed today on Miiverse via Masahiro Sakurai.

Dillon hails from Nintendo eShop cult hit Dillon’s Rolling Western, and he also happens to be adorable despite his tough exterior. I mean, that’s what I think, anyway. Like Sakurai said, he “may rival Sonic at rolling.” Rolling is a valuable talent, indeed. Samus knows a thing or two about that as well. Sakurai also noted that Dillon’s Assist Trophy can do a quick charge, so perhaps there’s more here than meets the eye.

Could there be additional Assist Trophies on their way? What do you think about Dillon? I’ve never actually played Dillon’s Rolling Western, so right now sounds like a good time to get into it. And stop listening to Limp Bizkit, which I still do sometimes un-ironically.

Smash Bros. Pic of the Day: Dillon from Dillon’s Rolling Western Confirmed [AlwaysNintendo – thanks, Jelani!]