Dorf on the Diamond: 7,116ft in Smash Bros' home run contest


Dingers! Dingers! Dingers!

This is even better than discovering Yoshi’s easy down-A in Melee‘s home run contest.

I spent some of the weekend trying to find cheap, lazyhome run contest tricks, like spamming Fox’s blaster, but I haven’t been able to top about 2,200 with Link.

This bat-less Ganondorf trick more than triples my best effort.


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@-webkit-keyframes”dkaXkpbBxI”{ 0%{opacity:0.5;} 50%{opacity:1;} 100%{opacity:0.5;} } @keyframes”dkaXkpbBxI”{ 0%{opacity:0.5;} 50%{opacity:1;} 100%{opacity:0.5;} }

Dang. Just dang. #HomeRunContest

— Evil Jimmy/Shudder (@SunderCR) October 8, 2014