Dragon Quest Monsters 2 coming to 3DS in Japan


‘Localization?’ jests the monsters at Square Enix

Foolishly, one of the bigger reasons I wanted to pick up a 3DS was for the remake of a Gameboy Color favorite, Dragon Warrior Monsters (Dragon Quest Monsters: Terry’s Wonderland in Japan). Unfortunately, Dragon Quest Monsters: Terry’s Wonderland 3D came out in Japan almost a year ago now and a Western release doesn’t seem to be in the slime.

Meanwhile, Dragon Quest Monsters 2: Iru and Luca’s Wonderful Mysterious Keys, a remake of what we will, for simplicity, refer to by the stateside name of Dragon Warrior Monsters 2, has been announced for 3DS. In Japan, obviously. There is a website and everything.

First Japan hoards one of the cooler 3DS models (one which would have seen me purchasing a 3DS two and a half years ago), now it continues to hoard Dragon Warrior Monster goodness. Fine. It’s not like I need another lengthy time sink in my life anyway.

According to Gematsu, it “will have over 800 monsters, including new ones from Dragon Quest X, “Super G Size” monsters, and four-on-four monster battles. It will support local and internet correspondence, StreetPass, one save slot, and eight person multiplayer.” Sounds fun. Uhm, I mean, it’s not like I wanted you, or anything. Did you?