Dreams or Nightmares Ep. 1: Furry Boarding, Family Guy, and Mario on PlayStation


‘Goddamn you guys are making some weird shit in Dreams’

Dreams has been out in full for about two months now and the community has taken to it like a horse to water, making all sorts of wonderful creations…and a lot of bull crap. In Dreams or Nightmares, we’ll take a look at the wide variety of experiences inside the Dreamiverse. This inaugural edition brings us a meme-filled platformer, furry pro skating, and most shockingly, Mario on PlayStation.

The first game in our showcase is “The Quest for Cheese 2.” You play as Wallace and travel the world looking for Gromit. Your journey will bring you to Heaven’s pub to have a beer with Peter Griffin, through Shrek’s Swamp, and even down to the depths of Hell itself. How far will you go to save your best friend?

Have you ever wanted to skateboard? Ever want to do it as a furry? Well, now your prayers have been answered. “Animal Pro Skater” is here! Create your own character and shred til your little bushy tail falls off, all with community-made Butt Rock jamming in the background!

That finally brings us to the greatest secret the world has ever known. What if I told you there was a hidden 3D Mario game on PlayStation? Well, it would be a lie. However, you can play “Super Mario Infinity” on your PS4. Or, you could, but Nintendo did its Nintendo thing and asked Media Molecule to remove the game from Dreams. Surely this will be the last we see of Mario in Dreams, right?

Links to the featured games are below:The Quest for Cheese 2, Furry Pro Skater