Dtoid Designs: The Super Mario Maker Un-Mario Challenge


Can you make a non-Mario level?

UPDATE: The entry period for November’s Dtoid Designs contest has ended.

Dtoid Designs is back for round two. What’s that? You missed the results from October’s challenge? But they were posted at 9:30 on a Saturday night that also happened to be Halloween. You know, prime internet surfing time.

Okay, that was my bad, but I do want to thank everybody who entered and encourage you to go check out those levels. The response to this feature has been nothing but positive and I am happy to continue it for a second month.

For November, your mission should you choose to accept it will be to create a level in Super Mario Maker that does not play like a Super Mario level. That’s right, it’s the Un-Mario Challenge. If you’ve perused Course World in this game you’ve no doubt come across levels modeled after games like Sonic the Hedgehog, Gradius or Super Meat Boy. For November, I want to see what kind of level you can create if you’re trying to make something other than a Mario level.

To enter this month’s contest, simply leave a comment below with your level name, level ID number and the name of the game you’re emulating (if it’s not the level name) before November 15. A slight change from last month, once your level has been entered you will receive a message letting you know. Please do not change or delete your level after it has been entered.

Dtoid Designs: Super Mario Maker

November Challenge: Un-Mario

Deadline: November 15

Limit one level per user (Level cannot have been entered in a previous contest).

To Enter: Leave a comment below with your level name, level ID and game you’re emulating.

Word of advice: you may want to wait for that checkpoint update to enter.