EA confirms new Star Wars Battlefront for 2017


Will include locations from the Sequel Trilogy

Earlier today, EA confirmed a new Star Wars Battlefront for release next year. The game will reportedly include content from the new film trilogy, according to EA CFO Blake Jorgensen.

Although he neglected to mention specifics, it’s worth noting that J.J. Abrams’ famous “Mystery Box” kept Star Warslicensees from pulling much of anything from The Force Awakensitself. From what I’ve gathered, director Rian Johnson seems to be much less secretive about Episode VIII;I wouldn’t be surprised if we see more licensed content appear during or after the film’s release.

EA’s first Star Wars Battlefrontgarnered a semi-positive response from critics, but still managed to sell a ton of copies. The company shipped 14 million units to stores, with no word on proper sell-through numbers. Here’s my question, though; the first new Battlefrontrelease in years, timed perfectly to the return of Star Warsto theaters, was a blinding flashpoint — can EA pull that off again?

Even if you like Battlefront(and I do!), it’s not quite what fans were looking for. And for as much as people are looking forward to Episode VIII, it’s coming on the heels of a spin-off film.Star Warsis back and here to stay, with every consecutive installment marginally less exciting. It’s cool that EA sold 14 million of these games, but how many of those people will come back for round two?

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Confirmed, Features Content From “The New Movies” [GameSpot]