EA is skipping an E3 booth this year, hosting 'EA Play' event instead



As time went on, certain players opt to skip out on E3. Blizzard has BlizzCon. Now, EA has “EA Play.”

Instead of hosting a typical E3 booth this year, EA will have a special engagement from June 12-14 at the Nokia Theater in LA (as well as an event in London). It will be open to the public, and will feature new games and hands-on opportunities. It will still have a [likely hilariously bad] press conference though, which will take place on Sunday, June 12 at 4PM ET.

On my end, this makes things much easier in terms of coverage, as I don’t have to watch back-to-back conferences all day long. That is, unless others follow suit and pack their streams in the same day too — we’re still over four months away! EA will still have meeting space at the event, the ESA has confirmed.

EA Play [EA]