Early Oculus Rift highlight Darknet coming to PlayStation VR


Mess with the best, die like the rest

It’s been relatively quiet on the PlayStation VR front, but here’s some good news for the not-too-distant future: the cyberpunk hacking puzzle game Darknet is getting a port in “early 2017,” priced at $15.

In his review of the Oculus Rift version, Chris described Darknet as “something that could technically work in a traditional, non-VR environment,” but said its immersive nature felt “justified.”

The PSVR port, a collaboration between E McNeill and Archiact, sounds largely the same. There will be enhanced art for the “in-network nodes, the user interface, and the main menu,” as well as Trophies.

I’m ready to live out my silly Hackers fantasies.