EarthBound-inspired RPG from Luigi's Mansion 2 devs


Citizens of Earth unite!

Ryan Vandendyck (gameplay programmer on Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon) has been plugging away at developing Citizens of Earth for a while, with minimal updates on it’s progress in the past year. That’s all changed now that the game is on Kickstarter. There’s a full rundown of the game’s scenario, combat system, and various selling points for your perusal. The idea of battling angry protesters with a party that features my mom, my little brother, a conspiracy aficionado, and my favorite barista already has me reaching for my wallet.

The developers already have a Wii U dev kit in hand, so after PC, the game has the best chance of hitting that console at some point, though 3DS, PS4 and PS Vita ports are also up for stretch goals. EarthBound fans have spoken with their wallets by keeping the game in the Wii U’s top five downloads since it was released July. I wonder if they’ll speak in favor of Citizens of Earth as well?

Citizen’s of Earth – A Modern RPG [Kickstarter]