Epic's newest free game, 3 Out of 10, puts you to work at a bad video game studio


Whistle while you work

There has been no shortage of video game development horror stories over the past decade, as plenty of studios have been exposed for their soul-crushing and awful work conditions. That’s miserable, but what if you put up with that work environment only to make games that were universally hated?

That’s the idea behind 3 Out of 10, a name that kinda tells you everything you need to know. Set at the fictional Shovelworks Studios, this interactive sitcom is an irreverent Adult Swim-like take on bad game development.

The bad news: Only the first episode of 3 Out of 10is free this week. The good news: The remaining four episodes in Season 1 are free in subsequent weeks. Epic paid for the entirety of the five-episode run of 3 Out of 10to make it an exclusive launch on the Epic Games Store; part of the logic behind that decision is because developer Terrible Posture found a way to create the show entirely within Unreal Engine without switching to third-party software, as Engadget details.

The second Epic freebie dabbles in career-change escapism too. Amazon fulfillment simulator Wilmot’s Warehouseis up for grabs this week. Wilmot’s Warehouseis a clever cooperative sorting game that rewards creative organization. Jordan lavished praise upon the Switch version late last year. In our Slack DMs this morning (all work conversations are subject to being turned into #content), he said it’s “a GOTY for me in co-op” and that “as a puzzle fiend, [I] would love it.”

Next week, Epic is back to stuff you (probably) can’t get in real life. Souls-like-but-with-guns action looter shooter Remnant: From the Ashesis the high-profile free game next week. Indie, artsy scenic snowboarder The Alto Collectionmakes up the other half.

3 Out of 10, Wilmot’s Warehouse [Epic Games Store]