Ether One will finally materialize on March 25


The first-person puzzler has come through Greenlight

A few days ago I was bemoaning the long wait between games coming through Steam’s Greenlight service and actually being released. One title I’ve been waiting for is Ether One, the atmospheric, first-person puzzle game from White Paper Studios. A blog update has finally revealed a March 25, 2014 release date. Just over a month away.

The few small trailers we’ve seen so far have whet my appetite for the game — it looks exactly the type of thing I enjoy playing. I suppose I’m maybe a bit impatient when it comes to release dates for titles I see on Greenlight; it’s just a lot of them look really cool and I want to play them as soon as possible. I tend to forget games like Kentucky Route Zero, Papers Please, Shelter and Risk of Rain all came through Greenlight. Be patient and rewards will come.