Europe gets Etrian Odyssey Untold on May 2



My heart goes out to our European readers every time we see a good JRPG. It’s usually that it took its sweetass time to come from Japan, but for some reason only lands in North America at first. And then you’re left waiting for your launch date, or in some cases even confirmation!

Well, at least we know that Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl is coming your way, Europe. It’s slated for May 2, 2014. You 3DS-owning JRPG fans should be dancing right now.

As we told you in our review, Etrian Odyssey Untold is a fine videogame, and a good way to get into the series. It’s super accessible, but can also be seriously challenging for those that want it that way. Oh, and the music is outstanding.