Everyone knows the Mass Effect trilogy remaster is real but EA just refuses to announce it already


A Korean rating is just the latest

There is no shortage of evidence that the Mass Effecttrilogy is getting a remaster sometime soon. Add one more scrap to the pile.

Gematsu reports that the Game Rating and Administration Committee of Korea has rated Mass Effect: Legendary Edition. (I can’t get the search to work but Gematsu usually has these leaks on lock.) It’s definitely real and everyone knows it.

However, EA refuses to acknowledge it. Despite the mounting evidence, EA will not spill the beans. At this point, you have to think EA’s saving up for an N7 Day announcement. It’ll make for the first semi-worthwhile N7 Day in years.

Here’s what we think we know: Mass Effect: Legendary Editionis expected to be a remaster of the Shepard arc games. It’s coming to PC, PS4, and Xbox One (and notably not Switch, at least right away). EA wanted it to launch in 2020, but it seems to have been pushed back to 2021.

I look forward to the next Mass Effectpost which will probably be another rumor instead of confirmation. Truly, the real treasure is all the rumor posts we wrote along the way.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition rated in Korea [Gematsu]