Everything is your dad in the new Dad by the Sword trailer


Use Danny Phantom’s dad if you lack one

Yesterday, what is probably the greatest trailer you will ever see was released. It also being Father’s Day, that trailer was of course for indie Sword-em-up Dad by the Sword.

The website can explain the game way better than I ever could:

Dad By The Sword is a game about YOUR DAD running around in jorts and slaying Anti-Dads with a claymore. Experience a unique First Person Swordplay experience as you try not to get killed by hot dogs. Outsmart your enemies, destroy weak points in their armor, and then slice right through them. It’s Dark Souls meets Gone Home meets some game with a dad in it.”

I think this is looking pretty rad. The comparison to Dark Souls put me off slightly, but only until I saw the gameplay. From the low-poly art style to the enemy dismemberment, to your dad being the main playable character, everything they’ve shown so far has been very appealing. Just like your dad. I have a feeling Dad by the Sword is going to be very special indeed.

It’s due for release sometime in either late 2015 or early 2016, so its father away than I’d like it to be. But is that really a dad thing?