Everything you need to know about Destiny is not everything I need to know


I don’t think two minutes is enough to cover everything…

Seriously, “Everything you need to know?” A little grandiose, no? Especially for a two minute video. I’m sure there are plenty of things I need to know that are not covered in this video. Heck, the title is “Destiny on PS4 | Everything you need to know,” which might suggest everything I need to know about everything, not just Destiny, and this video doesn’t say anything about how to tie a tie.

And if we are restricting it to Destiny, this doesn’t tell me if there are space dogs. And a bunch of other things. Because we still don’t know that much. If everything I need to know about Destiny is two minutes of vague explanation of FPS mechanics then I ain’t about this.

It doesn’t even confirm that the sequel will be called Destiny’s Child.