Ex-Harmonix dev creates a crazy dating card game


Find your messed up soul mate

Billionaire Banshee is a card game where all players pretend that they’re single and looking for their soul mate. At your turn, you’ll pick up one card from two different piles: Quirk and Perk. The traits on these cards make up your potential lover. All other players secretly vote if you would date that strange individual. The goal? To build conversation among friends.


PERK: They Have A Giant Robot.

QUIRK: They Have Tourette’s.

Would I date?

Razlo Bailey used to be at Harmonix, making games like Rock Band, but following a layoff last year, work on Billionaire Banshee begun. The Kickstarter video for the card game is pretty crazy, and definitely worth checking out on its own. But the game itself also sounds pretty fun with its crazy quirks and pixel art.

Wanna help out? TheBillionaire BansheeKickstarter campaign has just begun, with 29 days to go. You know what to do.