Fallout 4 has the smallest Alien Easter egg


And it’s not an Alien

First, let me clear something up that also confused the shit out of me. Prometheus 2 is no longer called Alien: Paradise Lost, but instead Alien: Covenant and is coming in 2017 (as the second chapter in a prequel trilogy). Meanwhile, Neill Blomkamp (District 9) has had his Alien movie (Alien 5, basically) put on hold until Ridley Scott’s sequel to his prequel.

Meanwhile, watching Jodorowsky’s Dune recently has me sad for the science fiction that could have been. Instead, simultaneous prequels and sequels to a movie (Alien) that really didn’t need one, let alone six. Ah well.

Anyways, here’s a tiny-ass Easter egg spotted by Imgur’s 1Times. A particular Flux Sensor in Fallout 4 has “CM-88B 180924609” etched into the back. Incredible sleuths with heightened Google abilities will know that as the registration number of the ship Nostromo from Alien.

If you, too, wish to collect this etched item, the directions to it are here.