Fallout Shelter continues its mobile success, hits #1 in 48 countries


Android still in development

We knew that Fallout Shelter was doing well, but now we have a better idea just howwellthanks to Bethesda, who has just sent over word to Destructoid regarding its success. They’ve announced that the free app is now the #1 downloaded game in 48 countries, and the #1 downloaded app in general in 25 regions — they aren’t giving exact download numbers, but it’s surpassed 70 million play sessions. Something tells me Bethesda is going to get a little more mobile-happy in the future. Elder Scrollstext adventures, anyone?

The publisher also reiterated that Shelterwas in development for Android devices. For those of you who aren’t aware, this is often why developers have such a tough time crafting ports on Android.