Fans have translated Retro Game Challenge 2


Well I’ll be damned

At long last, Aaron Tokunaga-Chmielowiec and co. have released their English translation for Retro Game Challenge 2 / Game Center CX 2. The patch is available for download here.

Thanks to XSEED, we got a taste of the series back in 2009 with Retro Game Challenge — but sales were such that, in all likelihood, Game Center CX 2 and its 3DS follow-up won’t see an official localization. Bleh. But with passionate, capable fans to pick up the slack, we’ve lucked out.

With any project like this, I’m always happy (and pleasantly surprised) to see the folks responsible reach the end. This patch’s development history sounds nightmarish. I can’t even imagine. The work on Retro Game Challenge 2 isn’t finished yet, though — Tokunaga-Chmielowiec says he’s now working on patch version 1.1 to address bug reports that have come in so far. Godspeed.

[Via Tiny Cartridge]