Fans petition Nintendo to get Danny DeVito to voice Detective Pikachu


I signed it, so should you

Sairith Aramor has started a petition to get Nintendo of America to hire Hollywood superstar Danny DeVito to voice the English localization of the recently announcedDetective Pikachu.

There are a number of us that feel as though Danny DeVito would be a prime fit for the voice acting role of the Detective Pikachu,” states the petition. “We want to make this happen.”

I think we can all agree that this is the most important petition to have ever been started by Nintendo fans, and perhaps of all time. As of the time of writing, it is nearing 8,000 signatures and that number increases each time I refresh the page. Nintendo hiring DeVito would surely make up for all of its changes during the localization of Fire EmblemFates, as well as the lack of information about upcoming surefire hit Metroid Prime: Federation Force.

Sign the petition. Share it. Make this viral. Vote DeVito 2016!