FFXIV: A Realm Reborn: Server transfers are coming SOON


‘Not that far off,’ says Yoshida.

[Update: The system ate some of this story. I have since fished it back from the nether realms, so see the expanded version below.]

“Hey, what server are you on?”

All day long. It’s either that or “come over to _____ server.” But outside of rolling a new character, you probably won’t want to move to play with friends. But that will change. Soon.

We spoke with Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn producer Naoki Yoshida at PAX, and he told us that they’re already looking at world transfers. And the wait won’t be long.

“It’s not that far off, Yoshida told Destructoid. “Players won’t have to wait two or three months — it’s something closer than that.”

We’re still not clear on how these transfers will work, but Square Enix is looking at several options. Yoshida suggests that beyond moving single characters, some or all of your characters could be moved to a different world through what they’re working on.

Yoshida added: “For the future we hope to have a plan where you could move maybe a whole Free Company over to a different server as well.”

Nice. I still think you should come to Adamantoise.