Final Fantasy XIV surpasses Square Enix's expectations


A Realm Reborn performs better than expected

Who could’ve seen this coming? With what looked like another MMO dead in the water, Square Enix took unprecedented action by rebooting an already active title from the ground up. After a successful relaunch, and registering nearly two million accounts, Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn can now be looked at as one of the biggest success stories in recent years. So much so that Square Enix has re-evaluated its sales estimates in light of the positive feedback.

Square Enix had originally estimated losses of up to 1.3 billion yen (roughly $13.2 million) for the fiscal period which ended in late September. However, A Realm Reborn, and other arcade titles from Square, ended up performing much better than anticipated and the company ended up making a nice profit of 2.6 billion yen (about $26.5 million). In particular, North American sales of Final Fantasy XIV were impressive and managed to make a mark on the NPD during its debut month.

So what say you, Final Fantasy fans? Were you surprised to see how Square Enix managed to pull this off?

Final Fantasy XIV’s successful reboot takes Square Enix by surprise [Gamasutra]