Finally, a console for the boob lovers among us (NSFW)


Turn it on to get turned on

The console space is all but locked up at this point with the three major manufacturers enjoying a stranglehold on the industry. Sure, there are attempts at alternatives, like the ill-fated Ouya, and I guess the Apple TV and Amazon Fire TV could technically be considered consoles. But even with those options, there isn’t much room for a fourth console manufacturer in gaming.

Or is there?

Maybe those other consoles have been trying too hard to appeal to everyone when they should have gone after a more niche market, one currently not being served by Nintendo, Xbox, or Sony. You can buy almost any type of game on their systems, everything from family-friendly puzzlers to extremely violent shooters, but there is one genre you won’t find on any of their storefronts: adult games. Sexy time games have been banished from consoles since the ’80s and even titles that aren’t necessarily explicit can sometimes have their content changed or face outright cancellation at the behest of the gatekeepers. Why, oh why, isn’t there a console for the adult gamer enthusiasts among us? Well, now there is.

It’s called the…console. I guess Sexbox was too on the nose. Unoriginal name aside, the device is fromNutaku, one of the most well-known names in adult gaming, and is a Windows-based platform that comes pre-loaded with the Nutaku Desktop Application. Also, it’s shaped like a boob. Players will have access to more than 200 free-to-play and premium adult games out of the box,however,it does not seem like a controller is included in the package.

The console itself features a silicone covered shell with a “flesh-like feel” and the nipple acts as the power button. There are also two USB ports, an HDMI port, audio jack, and wireless internet connection. The Nutaku Console will be available in limited quantities and will retail for $169. As of the posting of this story, the listing for the console says it is sold out but it appears they are restocking.