Fire Emblem: Genealogy characters headed to Fire Emblem Heroes this week


90s kids return to the battlefield

The next wave of classic Fire Emblem characters are waiting in the wings to join the roster of pocket-battler Fire Emblem Heroes, currently kicking ass on mobile devices.

The roster additions this time around are from the 1996 Super Famicom classic Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. The three new warriors are the Black Knight; Ares, the Thunder Goddess; Ishtar and the… erm… “Yearning Dancer” Lene.

Alongside these new characters comes an all-new story chapter, Hellfire, so you can test out the Black Knight’s weaponry, Ishtar’s command of the mighty winds and Lene’s… sweet two-step? You can check out the motley crew in a new trailer below.

The new characters and chapter will go live on May 10 at 00:00 PT / 03:00 ET / 08:00 CET. Fire Emblem Heroes is available now on iOS and Android devices.