Fortnite for Nintendo Switch shows up on Korean ratings board


Nintendo port of Battle Royale title looking legit

Following on from yesterday’s rumour that Epic Games’ colossal success Fortnite could be coming to the Nintendo Switch, our old friend the Korean Ratings Board uploaded a new listing all but confirming that said port is happening.

Online shooter Fortnite launched to moderate success in 2017 before blowing up into a global phenomenon once it added its Fortnite: Battle Royale mode. Having since gone on to become a pop-culture icon, played by fans and celebrities alike, as well as becoming the latest “GAMEZ ARE EV1L” scapegoat, Fortnite’s brand of multiplayer mayhem has taken the world by storm.

No further details are currently available, nor is this an official confirmation of a Nintendo Switch port, but the Korean Ratings Board rarely let us down and, coupled with yesterday’s leak, this is looking more and more like a sure thing.

Fortnite is available now on PS4, Xbox One, PC and iOS devices.

Nintendo Switch Fortnite port appears on Korean Ratings Board [Official]