Fortnite has been downloaded by nearly half of the world's Switch owners


That’s good for about 11 million downloads

Here’s an incredible statistic that seems both ridiculous and totally accurate: Fortnite‘s attach rate on Nintendo Switch is almost 50 percent.

Nintendo announced this milestonein its most recent mid-year financials briefing for investors. The report states “[Fortnite] has gained so much momentum that it has been downloaded to nearly half of all Nintendo Switch systems worldwide.”

Because Nintendo has also revealed that the Switch is already at 22.86 million global sales, we can reasonably infer that Fortnitedownloads are in the 10 to 11 million range. Epic declined our request to share an exact number of Switch downloads.

Really though, none of this is necessarily surprising. Hands-down the world’s most popular video game — which is free, by the way — was downloaded a whole bunch on the most popular console. It’s impressive and it’s a testament to the success of both Fortniteand Switch, and what they can accomplish in tandem.

Six Months Financial Results Briefing for Fiscal Year Ending March 2019 [Nintendo]