Friday Night Fights: Destiny


Game with the Dtoid community

Happy Friday!

One of the moreanticipated games of the year, Destiny,hasfinallylaunched.So far, it seems as though there is a very noticeable dividing line of people who are either loving every minute of it or those who are less than blown away by what they’ve played so far.

Our own Chris Carter has been playing Destiny and has been reviewing it as he goes. I picked it up and have been playing it, and I definitely have an opinion on what I’ve played so far. Yep, I sure do have an opinion…. I am a little surprised though that there’s only one person hosting it on the Xbox side of the fence, and curious as to how the sales are broken out between the two consoles.

How bout you? Let me know your thoughts and opinions in the comments below.

Anyway. let’s get to the reason why you came here in the first place, the games…

Friday Night Fights

New to FNF? Read this!Each week, a bunch of us Dtoiders get together to play videogames online! It’s a 100% community-run event, so feel free to join in or even host something yourself!

The planning for FNF starts in theforums, where community members sign up to host matches and post their pertinent details (game, time, Gamertag, etc.). Then, every Friday, reminder posts go up in thecommunity blogsthanks to a dedicated group of volunteers, and I recap it all here on the front page to give it a bit more exposure.

To join in, simply send a friend request to the match host! If you’d rather host something yourself, sound off in the comments section below!

Tonight’s Streamers:

  • Coming Soon Host: This could be you! (Twitch Channel: TBD

Check out the Destructoid Twitch schedule for more info!

    360 FNF

    Tonight’s Games:

      • Destiny (Xbox One)Host: The Scholarly Gamer (GT: REDterror1938)Time: 7 Pacific | 10 Eastern

                      Check out the Xbox FNF blog for more info!

                      Playstation FNF

                      Tonight’s Games:

                      • Destiny (PS4)Host: Trev (PSN: ElZilcho)Time 5 Pacific | 8 Eastern
                      • Minecraft (PS4)Host: Nanashi (PSN: Nanashi707)Time 5 Pacific | 8 Eastern
                      • The Last of Us Remastered (PS4)Host: Clockwork-Zombie (PSN: Clockwork-Zombie)Time 7 Pacific | 10 Eastern
                      • Destiny (PS4)Host: The Defenestrator (PSN: ThDefenestrator)Time 9 Pacific | 12 AM Eastern
                      • Warframe (PS4)Host: Trev (PSN: ElZilcho)Time 9 Pacific | 12 AM Eastern

                                            Check out the PS FNF blog for more info!

                                            PS3 FNF

                                            Tonight’s Games:

                                            • Steve walks warily down the street, with the brim pulled way down lowHost: Ain’t no sound but the sound of his feet, machine guns ready to goTime: Are you ready, are you ready for this are you hanging on the edge of your seat

                                            Check out the PS FNF blog for more info!

                                            Wii U FNF

                                            Tonight’s Games:

                                            • Mario Kart 8 (Gotta go fast!) Tournament Number: 1387-8210-8008Host: Smurfee McGee (NNID: smurfee_mcgee)Time: 8 Pacific | 11 Eastern

                                            Check out the Nintendo FNF blog for more info!

                                            3DS FNF

                                            Tonight’s Games:

                                            • Well it’s not far down to paradise, at least it’s not for meAnd if the wind is right you can sail away and find tranquilityOh, the canvas can do miracles, just you wait and see…believe me

                                              Check out the Nintendo FNF blog for more info!

                                              PC FNF

                                              Tonight’s Games:

                                                • Team Fortress 2 (early game)Server: 5 Pacific | 8 am Eastern
                                                • Team Fortress 2 (late game)Server: 9 Pacific | 12 am Eastern

                                                      Check out the PC FNF blog for more info!

                                                      Weekend Warriors

                                                      Free this weekend? Why not sign up to host something forWeekend Warriors?!It’s like Friday Night Fightsall weekend long!Sign up in the comments orForum threadif you’re interested!


                                                      • Mario Kart 8 – Destructoid TournamentHost: Smurfee Mcgee (Tournament Info: 1387-8210-8008)Time: Saturday and Sunday (all day/night) Tournament ends Sunday night at 1:00 am EST


                                                        • It seems like yesterday but it was long ago. Janey was the queen of my nightsThere is the darkness with the radio, playin’ low. The secrets that we sharedMountains that we moved, caught like a wildfire out of control

                                                        Check out the Weekend Warriors thread for more info!