GALAK-Z trailer looks all kinds of crazy


Skulls of the Shogun dev makes physics fun!

I’ll admit I’m a sucker for a good old classic shooter. To me, there’s nothing more cathartic than unleashing a barrage of missiles or a screen filling laser onto an unsuspecting swarm of enemy fighters. Radiant Silvergun, Gradius, and theDon Don Pachi series are just a few of my favorites, but I may just have to make room for GALAK-Z if this announcement trailer is any indication of what’s to come.

From 17-bit Studios, the minds behind Skulls of the Shogun, this 16-bit inspired sci-fi shooter looks pretty promising. Touted as an AI and Newtonian physics driven, open-world, space shoot em’ up (damn that sounds pretty awesome!) GALAK-Zis making its mark first on the PS4 sometime in 2014.

I also really dig the old-school anime vibe running through the trailer with the pilot avatar in the corner and Gundam-esque enemy robots complete with energy swords!

Looks like Sony has another indie win on its hands.