Game Debate to the Death! Favorite Uncharted game?


My vote: the singer Drake riding a drake while playing as Drake. Drakeception.

In my previous poll I asked everyone to pick their favorite Legend of Zelda game from the lengthy and notable series. Out of over 1,400 total votes, here are the top four results:

  • (21.37%) Ocarina of Time: 312 votes — winner!
  • (19.45%) A Link to the Past: 284 votes
  • (17.74%) Majora’s Mask: 259 votes
  • (15.82%) The Wind Waker: 231 votes

While we eagerly await new details for the PS4 Uncharted game, let’s take a week to reflect on the series so far. Out of the three main console games in the series, which one was your absolute favorite? Vote in the poll below and tell us why you made your pick in the comments! I know many of you love all three, so I want to know what specific aspect of the game made you choose it as your favorite.

Which is your favorite Uncharted game of the three main console releases?

Game Debate to the Death! Favorite Uncharted Game?

Share the reasons for your choice in the comments below. What aspects of its game design and gameplay made it the best? Did something else factor in? Or maybe a gripe with the other two made up your mind?

Give it some serious thought, share your thought process with all of us, and then get all of your online friends to join in on the fun! Check back next week for the winner and a new debate!