Games for Windows Live is gone from DiRT 3


Codemasters’ racing title will switch to Steamworks

As we bid farewell to the Games For Windows Live service, like we would an unwelcome and bossy relative that you feel compelled to put up with, Codemasters has taken the step of removing the GFWL client from its racing title DiRT 3. Just like BioShock 2 and the first twoBatman: Arkham games in the past few week, DiRT 3 will now support Steamworks instead of Microsoft’s much maligned service

Whilst I’ll be the first to admit that I had minimal problems with GFWL, it left me wondering what other PC games still require it. Capcom has already announced that it is looking to remove the GFWL client from its games but there’s still a few older titles that have it bundled in.

Fallout 3 is one I’d love to have an excuse to play again. GTA IV and Dark Souls are the other two games still saddled with GFWL but both have online components that might make removing GFWL a bit harder.

DiRT 3 to give Games For Windows Live the slip, move onto Steamworks [PC Gamer]