Games Workshop's Battlefleet Gothic becoming a real-time strategy PC game


This sure is pretty

Kyle and I were just talking about how much we wanted a new Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine. What a joy that was, all up close and personal. While we wait indefinitely on that dream to come true, there are plenty more videogame adaptations of Games Workshop properties on the way.

Focus Home Interactive has stepped up to publish Battlefleet Gothic: Armada, a real-time strategy PC title based on the tabletop miniatures game in which various Warhammer 40K races engage in space battles. Imperial, Chaos, Eldar, and Ork factions are confirmed for the videogame.

You’ll be able to customize “all aspects” of your ships, according to the announcement. “From battle to battle, the admirals and crew of surviving ships will gain experience and promotions, improving the battle-readiness of the ship for future, bigger and more dangerous battles.”

Who’s developing Armada? That’s always the question with these Games Workshop projects. It’s a studio named Tindalos Interactive, whose previous title Stellar Impact also had space combat.