Gearbox is hiring a writer for what is probably Borderlands 3


‘An unannounced AAA FPS/RPG hybrid with strong characters and central narrative thread’

Borderlands and more recently Battleborn developer Gearbox Software is looking for a new writer. Specifically, a writer for an unannounced AAA game that sure sounds like it could be Borderlands 3.

“Gearbox is looking for someone to join the writing team for an unannounced AAA FPS/RPG hybrid with strong characters and central narrative thread.

The successful candidate will join the writing team to write, punch up and iterate scripts in-line with established story and plot outlines. Responsibilities will include writing dialogue for voice-over and in-game text for missions, flavor and user interfaces. A love for comedy writing with respect for a serious underlying plot is helpful.”

That sure sounds like Borderlands to me or a game that is incredibly similar. Randy Pitchford said back at PAX West that 90% of Gearbox was working on “the thing you want us to be working on.” It’s safe to say that comment was in referenceto Borderlands 3, but it looks like the writing team needs a little more help.

While we can’t say for sure that the listing is for Borderlands, I think we all want it to be. I know I do.

Gearbox job posting [Gearbox]