Get your exclusive Valentine's card gaming gifs here


Spread the love

It’s Valentine’s Day, which means there may be someone in your life that you feel excited (or obligated) to show how much you love them, most likely with candy, cards, or some other physical things. It’s a holiday designed to make us feel like we have to spend money, which is great for the larger economy, but potentially bad for your wallet.

Destructoid is not immune to these pressures. We want to show you, the Destructoid reader, that we love you. So please, take these Valentine’s Day-themed romance .gifs (transformed into .gif form by the lovelyRonin Usagiand Kevin Bacon) and spread them to all you hold dear.

 photo ChulipValntinesday_zps837fd025.gif

 photo buidlingabridge_zps7d62af99.gif

 photo GodOfWarCropped_zps7f3e8b18.gif

 photo willyoushakemylove_zps19cbb43a.gif

 photo Gologo_zpsab86bc94.gif

 photo ReDenimCutRecutTiny_zpsa2e5ba8c.gif

 photo RythymHatingsmall_zps89546acb.gif

Preview of my Valentine's day feature for @Dtoid today.  on Twitpic

Another one on Twitpic