Giveaway: Celebrate a Summer of Devolver Digital on Switch!


Four games, Ten copies each. NA. Fight!

What is summer? I mean besides blaring Hoobastank on your boom boxes, chugging ranch packets, and making out with anime pillows? Games. That’s what. And wow… I mean holy crap, do we have something special for you Switch owners out there. The amazing folks at Devolver Digitalhave granted us ten copies of each game they released this summer on Switch! To recap, that’s: Enter the Gungeon (with it’s new expansion), Not a Hero: Super Snazzy Edition, Minit, and Crossing Souls! Slap my man breasticles, and call me Susan! That’s four awesome games, and a lot of chances to win.


So how does all this work? Grab a seat, my little blumpkins, let out a ranch fart, and listen to daddy. Five lucky people will win the whole enchilada. All four games, bundled up and sent to their Switch (actually to your emails, then you put in the code and… I’ll shut up now). To win one of these packs, tell me what’s your favorite Devolver Digital title, why it’s your favorite, and then pray to Cthulhu that you are chosen. “But Mike, err Phil, umm whoever the fuck you are, that still leaves 5 copies of each game up for grabs?!?” Good math little padawan. While you’re entering to win the pack, throw in a line about which of these games you want the most, why, and strap in. I’ll sort you all out, assault your pillows, and email the winners per usual (so make sure your disqus account is on point). Contest ends 8/30/18 at 11:59pm PST. Good luck!