Giveaway: Enter Grimmwood to test your survival skills on Steam


Social survival RPG goodness!

I love the forest. And the woods. In fact, I’m huge on going out to a very remote spot near where I live and plopping down in the middle of the wilderness, a good 30 minutes away (at least) from any type of reception on my cell phone. It’s peaceful, relaxing, and refreshes me every time I go out.

I’ve got a feeling that if I had to gather supplies all day to prepare for the nightly attacks from monsters, I wouldn’t enjoy it nearly as much, though. I guess you’ll get to figure it out soon after you win your Steam copy of Grimmwood.

Grimmwood is a social multiplayer survival RPG where you must work together to survive the terrors of the night. You must coordinate and strategize with up to 39 other real-life players to gather food and supplies to bolster the defenses of your village for the monsters that come lurking every single night. Craft items, weapons, and defenses to gain the upper hand and help each other live another day.

Newly added to the game is a Blitz Mode, featuring quicker gameplay for 10 players, perfect for those that don’t have the will or wits to eke out a living with a 40-player village. With shorter day-night cycles and options optimized for fewer players, this is the perfect way to get in on the action without letting down a whole community — something I do on a daily basis.

For your chance to win, comment below telling us your job in the newly-founded village. Much like here at Dtoid, my primary job in the village is to scream loudly whenever there’s a stranger approaching. It’s useful for when the stranger is mean or wants to shake me upside down by my ankles so all my money falls out, but it just makes me look like a dick when they’re nice. Which is most of the time, really.

We have 15 Steam keys, which will be given to random winners on Thursday, September 13. Make sure you comment using a Dtoid account, and that your email address is current and up to date in your account. If I can’t email you, we can’t properly coordinate and we’ll get eaten by monsters tonight. I’m too pretty to get eaten.

Grimmwood is available now on Steam. And head over to PC Invasion for more chances to win a copy!