Giveaway: We've got 202 keys for George VS Bonny PP Wars to give away


That’s a shitload of keys

I’ve gotta say, I don’t think I’ve ever encountered a one-on-one game where you play either as a dutiful human desperate to keep his house clean, or a naughty dog intent on making a mess of the place. I guess that’s why I’m sitting here giving games away instead of making them myself.

Tonight, the crews over at Winter Bloom and Asterion Games have given us 202 copies of their brand new game, George VS Bonny PP Wars. I’ll let you guess what the PP stands for.

I’ll also let the developer handle explaining it to you:

If you love playing dirty tricks on your friends or prefer clean up, George VS Bonny PP Wars game is made for you! In the game you can be both without feeling remorse. This is a multiplayer arcade for two where you can play as the master or the dog. Choose a role of a promoter of purity or a clever bastard. The two characters have different gameplay. One bounces around the house and furniture, laying steamy heaps, the other chases the dog with a mop. The choice is up to you, and the clock is ticking! The one that does their job faster, wins.


Multiplayer for twoUnique rating: score turds or mobsIncredible fun (guaranteed)No blood or murder. Absolutely.You can always take your laptop to the bathroom with you, and reply honestly when they ask you, “What were you doing there for two hours straight?”This is probably the most hilarious game of the year (but that’s not certain)

Couldn’t have said it better, myself.

To claim your Steam key, you’re gonna have to do the work for this one — email me at [email protected] or DM me on Twitter at @weslikestacos and I’ll shoot you a key. This is a first-come, first-served affair, so if you want a free game, don’t pooh-pooh your chance! Once the keys are gone, they’re gone.

George VS Bonny PP Wars is now available on Steam.