Glean some interesting facts about Skyrim from this Did You Know Gaming? video


You know, aside from the lyrics to the main theme

I don’t watch too many YouTube video series, but I quite enjoy some of the facts Did You Know Gaming? serves up. Sometimes I actually walk away having learned a little something. I ended up liking the latest entry to the DYKG series about Skyrim, and I surmise you all might as well. Unless, of course, you already know all this stuff. In that case, I will feel stupid. And useless. And I will need a pep talk from all of you in the comment section.

A lot of the facts here seem to basically point back to the fact that, obviously, Skyrim is connected to the rest of the Elder Scrolls games. Well, duh. But there’s still some cool little tidbits within the seven-minute video if you want to take the time to watch. I recommend the Pokémon videos as well. They’re good stuff.